It all started many, many years ago.
I had horrible migraine headaches, the kind that took days out of my life on a regular basis. The miserable pain in my shoulder and neck was relentless.
No doctor looked for the causes of my pain.
Doctors either offered me medications that didn’t work or had yucky side effects or they gave advice that didn’t make sense to me.
I’m pretty easy-going but not one of those sweet compliant patients. When I have a health or body issue, I want a logical answer that will actually help.
Because I’ve been around a long time, I’ve had other strange random pains, too, like a bone in my foot that ‘dropped’ out of place. (I fixed it.) A sacral joint that shifted. (I fixed it.) Dislocated and fractured ribs and elbows. (Lots of stories there, one involving army-crawling through a cave.)
I became committed to seek help that would make sense. And that led me to natural pain relief.
A good part of my head pain eased when I came across a medical book in the ’80’s that focused on diet changes for pain relief. Migraine can often be helped with dietary changes, because it turns out some components of foods can cause migraine. That was very good but it wasn’t the whole answer.
I needed more help. I was losing days of my life.
In the late ’80’s, I became curious about massage therapy after reading about it. It was a “new thing” then so I booked a massage. Makes sense, right? If you’re curious, you look more deeply into something.
I had been touching people when they hurt since I was in my ‘teens. I didn’t understand why it helped but I knew it was important.
With training, I became an excellent relaxation-type massage therapist. That type of massage definitely has a place but it wasn’t getting rid of my pain.
I continued seeking.
Oh, I didn’t tell you that in the late ’60’s I applied to a nursing school because I wanted to help people—to “get my hands on them”. However, the administrators wanted me to go into hospital administration instead of nursing, but I got married and pregnant so that plan ended.
I really, really didn’t want another desk job, anyway. That was bad for my head pain. I wanted to somehow touch people to help them.
Years later, I was laughing because I actually WAS “getting my hands on” people in a way I couldn’t if I had become a nurse or administrator.
My pain and dysfunction continued…
By an extremely fortunate turn of events, I took a class from an amazing therapist who made the connection between pain in the head and the structure of the body. He made it seem SO logical.
Because bodies are logical!
If ‘this’ happens, ‘that’ must happen. Equal and opposite. Brilliant!
My body, your body–we all work in basically the same logical, efficient way.
Our bodies all follow the same natural laws.
We don’t hurt or get into dysfunction just because we’re getting older.
We typically get into pain because of something we’re doing—or not doing—and might not even be aware of it.
That amazing therapist taught and treated me many times and I became dedicated to learning from him. He was instrumental to me becoming virtually pain-free.
When someone has as much physical dysfunction as I did, it’s not usually gone in just a session or two.
We seek to find and treat what’s causing the pain and that’s why I traveled several states away to see him several times. I could have been treated by other students but I wanted to be treated by the master. I wanted to know first-hand exactly how he provided amazing relief for people in pain.
Some years after my pain relief journey started, I was finally rid of my own pain, naturally.
I continued–and still continue–to study, absorb and incorporate additional therapies I find useful to help others and myself.
I also developed my own techniques and variations along the way.
Based on my own experience, I knew that one size does NOT fit all, especially if you’re older or need accommodation for a dysfunction or weakness.
I learned that the most talented pain relief therapists are those who had a need–they had pain that wasn’t being helped by the conventional medical community. They had to create, figure out, find, and develop their own pain relief program.
They understood first-hand, as I do, how it felt and what was required to “make it better.”
Because of their experience, skill and training, I’m grateful and humbled to be able to truly help people get rid of their discomfort and dysfunction simply, easily and naturally.
Now I “get my hands” on people, sometimes in person, but more often virtually. I’ve developed simple self-help programs, movements and strategies that women can use even if we’re not together.
We work together as a team.
Even though I love bodies–and do NOT love technology–I’ve helped people all over the world, thanks to technology!
So, maybe I do love technology, kind of.
I really wish I had the knowledge and guidance back then that I share now!
I could have avoided so much pain but, then, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to help others now.
That painful “education” I received was worth millions! It helped me understand how people feel and how to truly help.
I transitioned from doing relaxation massage to being a Natural Pain Relief Therapist in the ‘90’s, evolving as I learned more and more and provided more and more therapeutic sessions (well over 30,000, actually!)
Starting around 2009, I morphed into a Pain Relief Coach online, helping people all over the world understand how to get rid of their pain and discomfort, naturally.
So, here I am: Over 75 years old—no spring chicken–but virtually pain-free and able to do whatever I want.
That’s the outcome I want for you as you gently grow older.
Did you know…
Many of the diseases and disorders that are considered to be a natural part of aging aren’t natural at all?
My goal is to help you start thoughtfully restoring yourself. You might even have these side effects: feeling more youthful, happier, more energetic and even more confident!
I want you to feel good! To be rid of your aches and pains and function more the way you want to, for the rest of your life.
This is why I help women discover simple, easy, doable ways to get rid of pain and discomfort that really work for them. You don’t need discomfort!
I’m NOT a 30-year-old fitness trainer trying to get you to do what she can do. I’m more reality based. Remember: Not a spring chicken. 🙂
I know what it can feel like–and how to make it better.
It’s why I coach and teach and “get my hands on” people virtually and in person in a supportive environment.
I especially love helping women get rid of the miserable stiffness and pain in their upper back, neck and shoulders (along with other assorted parts of you.)
I’m on a mission:
I want you to have a more relaxing, easy, comfortable kind of life.
You have a wise body. It wants to be well. It sometimes just needs a little bit of help.
You see, you have genius in you.
I know that bodies heal all the time. They repair and can change for the better!
My body and health has improved so much over the years because I understood what my body needed—and knew what to do. My goal is for you to have that knowledge, too.
When you have less pain and discomfort, your enjoyment in life goes up. Your ability to do the things you desire increases.
Give your body what it wants and it will be happier.
When you’re ready, I’m here to support you.
Reach out to me:
I’ve been a human guinea pig for your benefit!
But, enough about me! I want you to have the kind of life that I do but created especially for you.”
“I know that bodies heal all the time and that sometimes you just need a little more information–a little help.”
The life and wellness changes I propose are thoughtful and gentle but powerful. I’m not the kind of movement guru that promotes drive-yourself-into-the-ground exercise. Rather, subtle, thoughtful, simple. I listen.
My goal is to help you create a life with fewer aches and pains and more energy so you can do the things you love and enjoy life more.
I want you to have the ability to take action and move forward and to feel and look more confident, younger and less like an “old person” who looks (and acts) like an “old person.”
Since 1990, I’ve had the opportunity to get my hands on a lot of bodies. Each of those bodies had a story. Each of the owners of the bodies also had a story to share.
Listening to those bodies and to those stories gave me a tremendous education. I really learned how to “touch” people in many ways, especially when I worked with hospice patients.
I share all of that knowledge freely along with the accumulation of training from geniuses in the fields of natural pain relief.
I really believe that Christmas lights should be lit until at least the end of February because we all need more sparkle and color in our lives.
One of the last things my father said to me was to always carry a LifeSaver candy in my pocket.
He said it would be a reminder that just as other people had saved my life (many times) I must save the lives of others.
I believe that applies to all of us.
We are here to help each other.
If you’d like to send a message or have a few questions, please use the form.