Muscle aches and pain? Except in emergencies, I always recommend the most natural, least invasive ways to feel better. And very often that means I am recommending massage therapy. I LOVE massage! There is no better medicine for muscle aches and pains and it is all 100% natural! Over the years I have had many […]
Author: Kathryn Merrow
Whether I coach women individually or lead a retreat, I share simple, easy movements including things like stretching, strengthening and breathing to create less pain, more strength and better posture for natural back pain relief. With extensive advanced training and over 30 years of experience. I seek the cause of your pain and give you the simple, natural steps for relief. My goal is to help YOU get rid of your "getting older" aches and pains so that you will be pain-free for the rest of your life. Simple. Easy. Natural. Get this free: The 5 Best Natural Steps for Pain Freedom at
Massage therapy has tremendous benefits for people who receive it. And guess what? Massage not only benefits the person who receives the massage. The person giving the massage also receives health benefits. How cool is that? Massage therapy is the most peaceful and healing profession I can think of. Massage soothes and relaxes the mind […]
Massage IS Medicine!
Massage is the oldest natural medicine in the world! What exactly is massage? Massage therapy is the art/science/practice of rubbing or kneading or compressing parts of the body to help with circulation and reduce muscle stress and mental stress. This is usually and most beneficially done manually (by hand.) Massage can also be accomplished with […]
Deep Tissue Massage–Does It Have To Hurt
What exactly is ‘deep tissue massage’ and does it have to hurt? I’m sharing a good article about deep tissue massage below but my personal feelings are that many massage practitioners just blast away and go way too deeply, way too fast. Sometimes ‘deep tissue’ is not appropriate. Every body is different. And the person […]
Worried about saturated fats? It turns out that some are actually good for you. Coconut “oil” is one of the healthy ones. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature but melts easily to cook with or to spread on your toast, oatmeal or pancakes. And it has no trans-fats. Trans-fats are what make saturated fats […]
How Does Stretching Reduce Muscle Pain
One more benefit of Vitamin D3! The “Sunshine Vitamin” reduces back pain. At least, that is what we can determine from a study that said more than 80% of the people aged 15-52 were deficient in Vitamin D3. If you turn that around, sounds to me like having sufficient Vitamin D3 helps keep you from […]
Does Massage Get Rid Of Pain
Can massage provide “pain relief” or is it just another type of “pain management”? It depends. Bodies are really logical. They are smart. They were designed to function in certain ways. When we give them what they want and need they can heal and be well. Sometimes what they need includes some muscle therapy. What’s […]
Why do I believe so strongly in the power of massage for pain relief? 1. Because it works. I have seen it work over and over. IF…the massage therapist knows where to work, understands the causes of your pain, and can help you correct your posture. Some do, some can’t; it depends on their training, […]
Would you like to be and to stay healthy and well? How about growing older without aches and pains? Would you like to start healing now? You can! Bodies can and do heal all the time. That includes YOUR body. 🙂 Preventative medicine is often thought to mean vaccines, medicines and treatments. It’s actually much […]
The real cause of your pain depends on whom you ask. 🙂 There are medical professionals who will say your pain may be caused by pressure on nerves. Yes but what is causing the pressure? Bones don’t move on their own and neither do discs. There are professionals who will link your pain to muscles. […]
Dr. Brian Rothbart is a researcher and professor who discovered that something happening in your feet may be causing your chronic pain. Pretty interesting stuff! I had the honor to interview Dr. Rothbart, who is also a pain relief expert. Note: Not a pain management specialist but a pain relief specialist. You can listen to […]
Arthritis At The Joint Of The Thumb
Is Aspartame Bad?
Wondering whether aspartame, an artificial sweetener, is bad for you? Here’s my unbiased opinion: You bet! Years ago, a client told me she had gone to a dentist who practiced headache and migraine relief. He told her quit drinking diet soft drinks and if her headaches went away she would not owe him anything. They […]
The Decade of the Brain was declared for the 1990’s by President Bush. And what a decade it has been! Tremendous research results show two very important things about YOUR brain. 1. Your brain is “plastic.” It’s known now to be more flexible (plastic) and changeable than we knew before. It turns out it can […]
Why are there more food allergies now than ever before? More children than ever are being seen in emergency rooms having trouble breathing. I found an article which had some useful information and some that is not so useful. I’ll explain why. This is what the doctor said at the end of the article. To […]
Natural Cure for Scoliosis
Is there a natural cure for scoliosis? Here’s the background. Scoliosis is curvature of the spine. There may be 2 or more curves and the curves can go from side-to-side or front-to-back. Twists or rotations are often involved. Some doctors or therapists may say you have only one curve (a “C” curve) but if it […]