carpal tunnel/hand/wrist videos

Is The Pain In Your Thumb Mommy Thumb Or DeQuervain’s Syndrome

What is Mommy Thumb?  Medical terms sometimes change over time.  In this case, since lots of moms get this particular type of pain, a new name for DeQuervain’s Syndrome evolved. A ‘syndrome’ is a bunch of symptoms.  In the case, the new name for the syndrome is Mommy Thumb. I’d guess that beside lifting little […]

carpal tunnel/hand/wrist

Simple Pain Relief Tip for Hand & Wrist Pain–Computer Users

I was watching a woman work.  Is this woman at risk of having hand and wrist pain?  Or a carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis in her future?  She is if she continues doing this… I watched her filling in blanks on her computer screen.  Her seat was far enough away from the keyboard that her arm […]

carpal tunnel/hand/wrist

Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

  Is there such a thing as natural healing for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Or will you have to have surgery? It’s always good to know you may have options. My client Betty told me her story. About 15 years ago, Betty was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Her doctors advised her to have surgery. She […]
