nutrition self help

Natural Weight Loss Technique

Want an easy, all natural weight loss program? It is really easy to lose weight if you take these steps: 1.  Only eat things that grew. (Bread doesn’t grow, cereal didn’t grow, ice cream didn’t grow…you get the idea.)   😉 Fruits, vegetables, some meat or eggs or fish, whole grains like brown rice or […]

self help

You Have A Smart Body! Four Tips To Help Your Body Heal

Bodies heal all the time.  They are really smart!  And your body is one of the smartest.  🙂 But sometimes you don’t feel well.  Sometimes you hurt.  Maybe you have a lot of pain. But there are many natural steps you can take to help your body feel better. 1.  Your body needs good

natural healing self help

The Attitude Of Gratitude Can Reduce Your Pain!

Gratitude can reduce your pain and stress. Use this simple technique to feel better and enjoy life more.

backache self help

How to Get the Curve Back Into Your Lower Back

When you were learning to walk you had a curve behind your waist.  It curved toward your tummy.  That curve is what allowed you to learn to walk. What happened next? Maybe you starting watching television–a LOT of television.  Or sitting at a little desk.  Maybe it fit you, maybe it didn’t.  You went to […]

natural healing self help

What Is A Pain Relief Coach?

I’m a pain relief coach.  What does that mean?  What do I do? You have probably heard of ‘pain management.’  That is what the medical profession offers when patients continue to have pain despite physical therapy or other conventional medical treatments. But did you know that many times–perhaps most times–there are natural ways for people […]

muscles and pain self help

What Is “Balance”

How can you achieve balance? First, awareness of your un-balance helps.  Many of us have a vague feeling that something is just not quite right but don’t know why or what. Is it your body? If you were like most children, you had perfect posture.  You used all of your muscles and you used them […]

back pain scoliosis self help

What Is Inversion Therapy And Does Inversion Get Rid Of Back Pain?

What is inversion?  Is it really therapy?  Does it help get rid of back pain? Gravity is always pressing down on us.  Always.  And over time the space between our joints can get less. Hanging upside down (inversion) or reclining at an angle reverses this aging process.  It can also help get rid of back […]

self help stretching

How To Stretch At Work–Or Anytime

Here’s a simple system of stretching that I like so much that I want to share it with you. It’s an easy system to remember.  It’s the Y, T, W and L system. Why do I like these movements? They strengthen your back. That’s a very good thing for avoiding pain! They move your arms […]

self help

Fibromyalgia Has A Cause And A Cure

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome.  A syndrome is a collection of symptoms.  Symptoms are things like headaches, constipation, dry skin, pain. The “old news” was that about 1/3 of the time, “fibro” was possibly caused by a virus, about 1/3 of the time by some sort of trauma or injury, and the other 1/3?  Well, no […]

self help

How Does Stretching Reduce Muscle Pain

You say you’d like to stretch but what a hassle trying to fit one more thing into your busy day.  It just seems like so much work to stretch, doesn’t it? Who needs it? Well, it’s just my opinion, but I would say…YOU! Because you’re the one wondering whether stretching reduces muscle pain. 🙂 YOU […]

self help

How To Take Care Of Yourself And Get Rid Of Pain

Would you like to be and to stay healthy and well? How about growing older without aches and pains? Would you like to start healing now? You can!  Bodies can and do heal all the time.  That includes YOUR body. 🙂 Preventative medicine is often thought to mean vaccines, medicines and treatments. It’s actually much […]

posture self help

What Is The REAL Cause Of Your Pain

The real cause of your pain depends on whom you ask.  🙂 There are medical professionals who will say your pain may be caused by pressure on nerves.  Yes but what is causing the pressure?  Bones don’t move on their own and neither do discs. There are professionals who will link your pain to muscles.  […]

self help

Don’t Leave Your Brain Behind–It Can Go Forever

The Decade of the Brain was declared for the 1990’s by President Bush.  And what a decade it has been!  Tremendous research results show two very important things about YOUR brain. 1.  Your brain is “plastic.”  It’s known now to be more flexible (plastic) and changeable than we knew before.  It turns out it can […]

breathing self help

What Causes Food Allergies

Why are there more food allergies now than ever before?  More children than ever are being seen in emergency rooms having trouble breathing. I found an article which had some useful information and some that is not so useful.  I’ll explain why. This is what the doctor said at the end of the article.  To […]

self help

How Does Your Body Heal Naturally?

Bodies heal all the time.  That’s their job!  And that includes YOUR body. It is true that we age but we can feel well and be healthy as we age.  Here’s an article that will explain more about how your body heals wounds naturally.  Just click the link, below. You deserve to feel better.  […]

nutrition self help

Food Is Medicine–Eat Healthy and Skip The Disease

You really are what you eat. Your body has certain needs (lots of them) and when you provide those nutritional needs it will function well. You will rarely be sick.  You will enjoy good health.  Your body will be able to heal. But when you don’t provide the nutrients that your body needs, whoops!! Your […]

self help

Natural Pain Relief–Who Is In Charge Of Your Body?

I recently read an excellent book about natural pain relief. It has a great disclaimer. It said, basically, if you think you need the protection of a disclaimer, then close the book now. The author (Pete Egoscue) believes that the most important consultation is the one each person has with himself or herself. He believes […]

self help

Ten Simple Pain Relief “Secrets”

There are simple techniques you can use to get out of pain. There are easy movements and simple “tools” which will help you get back to where you want to be. There are logical ways to eat, move and live which will enable you to feel well and function without pain. So, what are the […]

self help

More About How Gratitude Can Improve Your Life

Gratitude is like medicine only better.  A good, solid dose of gratitude can help you see things in a whole new light and enjoy your life more.  And the people around you will enjoy you more, too. Here’s an interesting article about gratitude. You know, we are so blessed and fortunate to have what […]

self help

How To Fall Asleep Naturally and Sleep Well

If you don’t get enough sleep you can get muscle and joint pain. Discover tips to fall asleep and stay asleep.
