self help

Are Your Arms Tired Of Hanging Around? It’s Time To Stretch!

I know this is a cute photo and this is a good looking boy but there is more to it than that. My question to you is: When is the last time you stretched your arms up like this? Stretching is GOOD! Your muscles LOVE to move. In fact, you were built to move. Babies […]

self help

Cataract Surgery–Yes or No

Should you have cataract surgery? What does an opthalmology doctor say? What is a Cataract Surgery Mill? Is it ever urgent to have surgery? And what is a cataract?

self help

Prevention Is The Highest Form Of Healing

Prevention is the highest form of healing and surgery should be the last resort. How can you prevent ill health and feel and function better naturally?

self help

Natural Carpal Tunnel Relief? …

Natural Carpal Tunnel Relief? Check out the articles at

self help

Seems it doesn’t matter what time of day you eat

Seems it doesn’t matter what time of day you eat, as long as you don’t eat more calories than you burn. And that’s one of the nice things about fruits and vegetables.  You can eat and eat and chew and chew and it’s really hard to get too many calories. Not so with packaged, highly […]

self help

Question: Is it better to stretch before bed or in the morning?

Question: Is it better to stretch before bed or in the morning? Answer: Every chance you get is a good time to stretch. How about now? 🙂 In fact, stretching while you are IN bed is a great time.  Why? Because gravity is not pulling you down when you are flat on your back.  Gravity […]

self help

Keep moving–it beats the alternative

Keep moving–it beats the alternative. You were built to move. Sitting? Not so much. 🙂 It’s time for a long, lovely stretch break! Move your muscles in the opposite directions of the positions you’re usually in.  Arms up and back.  Breastbone lifted.  Legs stretched out behind you (one at a time, of course.)  🙂

self help

Today is a good day to take time for yourself

Today is a good day to take a few minutes for yourself and just do nothing. Enjoy something you’ve been overlooking: clouds, flowers, kids. Doing nothing can be the most productive thing you do all day.

self help

Foot Pain in Arch and Still Ankles

Do you have foot pain? Here’s an article just for you: pain-in-the-arch-of-your-foot-and-stiff-ankles/

self help

Before you go to bed tonight

Before you go to bed tonight, shake off all of your worries and stress. Wiggle and tremble and shake. You can do this IN bed, too. Fill your mind with pleasant thoughts from today or from long ago. Turn off the television or computer or your phone at least an hour before bedtime. Spend a […]

self help

If you stop moving, your muscles won’t be happy

If you stop moving, your muscles will not be happy. Doesn’t have to be big movement–little moves help too. You were built to move! Tiny movements can have big results. Small wiggles or shakes of hands and feet, rolling your legs side to side, making small circles with your chin…all of those little movements can […]

self help

Water allows your cells to function their best

Water allows your cells to function their best.  Be sure to drink enough to have happy cells. Water is the best drink!  Yes, there’s water in coffee, tomato juice and every other liquid but pure, clean water is the best. When you drink water, the cells and body processes that need it most will get […]

self help

Did you have a good day?

Did you have a good day? Did you remember to take some time for yourself? Did you do something nice for someone? Did you remember to feel gratitude for someone or something? Did you drink enough water?  It’s not too late. Did you fill your mind with something that gives you pleasure? Did you give […]

self help

Peaceful days for everyone.

Peaceful days for everyone.  A young boy asked me what my thoughts were about.  That’s what I told him. I think about peace and peaceful days.  For everyone. Oh sure.  Call me PollyAnna.  I don’t mind. A negative thought is like a prayer in reverse.  So a positive thought is a prayer. Hugs and kisses […]

self help

What nice thing will you do for yourself?

What nice thing will you do for your body tomorrow? Will you stretch nice and tall?  Will you lift your breastbone and the crown of your head? Will you drink only healthy liquids; lots of water and healthy teas?  Maybe some lemonade…homemade without sugar… maybe? Will you eat fresh and healthy foods?  Maybe you will […]

books self help

The Handbook of Self-Healing

I love this book by Meir Schneider!  The title is “The Handbook of Self-Healing.” The subtitle is “Your Personal Program for Better Health and Increased Vitality.” I’ve taken classes from Meir and enjoyed how he teaches to re-learn all of the movements that we USED to make and SHOULD make–to keep our bodies happy so […]

arm pain self help

Arm Pain Following An Accident

A reader asked me about left arm numbness following a truck accident. Here’s her question: My dad had a bad wreck 3 weeks ago. He has had 3 different x-rays an MRI and a CAT scan. All the tests showed nothing, and they sent him to physical therapy. His left arm is completely numb and […]
