
What Causes Bone Spurs?

Do you have bone spurs?   Bone spurs are bony protuberances on bones where the tendon of the muscle attaches to the bone. Why do bone spurs happen? They happen because muscle is pulling on bone.  The bone ‘grows’ a bit to take the pressure of itself. Why is the muscle pulling on the bone? Because […]

upper back pain

What Causes Muscle Knots In Your Upper Back?

What IS the most common cause of muscle knots in your upper back? When muscles are stretched too far too often they develop “knots.”  Those knots are a special type of contraction that keep the muscles from being stretched too far and injured. This is the most common cause of muscle knots. This type of […]

upper back pain

Muscle Strain In Your Upper Back–Why Do You Have Tight Shoulder Muscles?

I’ll bet you have tight muscles in your upper back and neck.  That’s called muscle strain and most people have it. Some people have it all the time and some people only have it occasionally. What Causes Muscle Strain? Your head is supposed to sit over your spine just like a toddler’s head does.  The […]

upper back pain

Bodies Need Balance–Strong Chest Muscles Can Cause Knots In Your Back

Are your chest muscles too strong?  Could they possibly be the cause of the muscle knots in your back? Knots in your back can be caused by overstretch of back muscles.  When the back muscles are overstretched they complain.  They get knots or give you pain in some other way.  That’s how muscles communicate. Poor […]

headaches and migraine

Your Posture Is Causing Your Headaches!

She told me she, “never dreamed that her posture could be causing her head pain.” Here you are reading this article about headaches and posture.  Stop!  Look at yourself. How’s your posture? Are you slumped and slouching?  Is your back rounded? Where are your shoulders?  Are they hiked to your ears or rounded forward? Are […]

self help TMJ and jaw pain

A Natural Way To Treat TMJ Pain

Got jaw pain?  Depending where in the jaw the pain is, here’s a natural movement that may help. TMJ pain could happen if your jaw muscles are “too tight.” So try this:  Fake chewing.  Here’s how: Put your lips together. Teeth apart. Pretend you are chewing. That small movement uses your jaw muscles and increases […]

headaches and migraine

Do Tight Muscles In Your Shoulders Cause Headaches?

Do you have tight muscles in your shoulders?  Do you have headaches?  Do you suspect they are related? You bet they are! The muscles on the tops of your shoulders are called the upper trapezius muscles.  They are responsible for causing headaches when they get tight and all knotted up. They cause muscle strain headaches.  […]

self help

You Can Get Rid Of Knee Pain Naturally!

Can you get rid of your knee pain naturally?  Lisa did.  I’m going to share her knee pain relief tips with you. She sent a very nice email to me and I will share part of it with you. From your information I have managed to control my knee pain by strengthening my front muscles […]

natural healing self help

Energy And Persistence Conquer All Things!

Benjamin Franklin said energy and persistence conquer all things.  True?  Yes! But sometimes you just don’t feel like you have the energy you need.  Maybe you feel like that all the time.  🙁 Bodies have certain needs.  If you don’t meet those needs, you suffer.  If you DO meet them, you succeed! Here’s how you […]

natural healing self help

Natural Pain Relief Using Ice Therapy

ice is good medicine!  Here’s how to use ice for muscle pain relief. Lots of folks think heat feels better (including me) but sometimes (lots of times) ice is the way to go. And, I also think ice feels great.  Sometimes a bit uncomfortable but it has such a nice numbing effect! Using ice as […]

natural healing self help

Can You Get Rid Of Pain Naturally?

Is it possible to get rid of physical pain naturally?  Could be. Someone recently asked me which medical interventions I like best.  She said she heard of a certain therapeutic device often used in physical therapy clinics. I don’t think she quite had the gist of what I do yet. Rather than use medical interventions […]

natural healing

Something Fun For Natural Pain Relief

I discovered a social sharing site called Pinterest.  It’s interesting and fun!  It’s actually a type of search engine where you can find your interests. Go to and you will find my Pinterest Board.  It’s all about natural pain relief and living the good life. Click on the Board and it will open up.  […]

muscles and pain natural healing self help

Take Action and Get Rid of Pain Naturally

I received two emails this past week from people with extensive discomfort and pain.  The really cool thing is they were both thank-you notes from people who took action and are getting better.  Part of one is below. Remember:  It doesn’t matter if you educate yourself about your pain and other uncomfortable symptoms unless you […]

natural healing self help

Are The Wonderful Scents In Your Home Killing You?

Did you know there are REAL scents that can actually help you feel better?  They are essential oils. They are not really oils (so they aren’t oily) but they are extracted or distilled from real plants and flowers. On the other hand, we have FAKE smells.  They are created in laboratories.  From chemicals.  Could they […]

muscles and pain posture self help

How To Get Rid Of Muscle Pain Naturally

Can you get rid of muscle aches and pain naturally? First you have to figure out WHY you have muscle pain.  Look for patterns. Is it all over your body or just in certain areas? Does it only hurt after certain activities? Do you wake up with it? Or does it get worse over the […]

foot pain

Natural Relief For Nerve Pain In Feet

Medical conditions that affect your nerves can cause a type of foot pain which is also called neuropathy.  It may feel like burning and it may feel like a lack of sensation or numbness. The drug Lyrica caused uncomfortable side effects for a reader and she asked for natural suggestions. I am really biased about […]

self help

Natural Remedy For Strong Bones

Want stronger bones?  Weight bearing exercise will help you have the bones you lust after:  dense and strong. What is weight bearing exercise?  It’s as simple as standing and walking. The ideal weight bearing exercise is done with good posture.  If you walk straight and tall your bones are all stacked as they are supposed […]


Prunes for Strong Bones?

I happen to love prunes.  They taste like candy to me.  But not everyone feels the same way.  In fact, prunes have taken such a bad rap that now if you look for them in the market you may not find them. What you MAY find is dried plums.  That is their newest name.  Regardless.  […]

backache low back pain self help

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

Pain in your lower back is almost always caused by muscles.  Why? Muscles move bones, joints and disks in your spine.  Muscles are the prime movers of your body!  You can move only  because you have muscles. Yay, muscles!! On the other hand, when your muscles get out of balance–too strong on one side of […]

headaches and migraine self help

What Is The Best Pillow To Use?

A “bad” pillow can be a real “pain in the neck.” A temperature-sensitive type of foam pillow like Tempurpedic works well for many people.  There is a version with a built-in neck roll.  Because of the type of foam, the pillow will be firmer in the winter than in the summer. Tempurdic pillows can be […]
