

Here’s where you can start getting rid of headaches and migraine, carpal tunnel syndrome and hand/wrist pain, pain in your upper back and shoulders and much, much more!  Just click on the links to find paid and free help…

  • Coaching It’s amazing how much difference virtual pain relief coaching can make!  You’ll work on video along with Kathryn after she assesses your situation with simple, effective touch and movement that you’ll do in the privacy of your own home.
  • Simple Back Pain Relief Kathryn’s natural back pain relief blog.
  • Simple Pain Relief Kathryn covers all kinds of health and pain issues in this natural pain relief blog.
  • Knots In Your Upper Back Gone!
    Get rid of muscle “knots” in your shoulders and upper back–easily and forever!
  • Head Pain Natural Relief
    Migraine headaches and plain, old, everyday headaches aren’t supposed to happen. Get rid of them naturally and forever with this book. Available in Kindle and soft cover. If you don’t have a Kindle device, Amazon will provide you with a free reader.
  • Kathryn’s Link Lists
    This will take you to links for several of Kathryn Merrow’s natural pain relief places so you can start getting rid of your pain naturally. She has a ton of help out there!
  • Kathryn’s Amazon Author’s Page