I know this is a cute photo and this is a good looking boy but there is more to it than that.
My question to you is:
When is the last time you stretched your arms up like this?
Stretching is GOOD! Your muscles LOVE to move. In fact, you were built to move.
Babies stretch. Animals stretch. Why not you?
In which direction should you stretch? In the OPPOSITE directions of the ways you usually hold your body. If your arms are generally in front of your body (as they are when we work and play) and if you spend a lot of time seated so your legs are also in front of you, this is what happens:
The muscles on the front side of your body shorten. When that happens they can pull you forward. We don’t want to get a collapsed or “forward head” posture. Honest!
So lift your arms. Place them behind your body overhead. Then lower them and stretch them backward (behind your waist.)
And stretch your legs back, too. (Do your legs one at a time please.) 🙂 Hold onto a doorway to prevent falling.
When you stretch do it slowly, gently, thoughtfully and carefully. Nice slow stretching can help your muscles “wake up” and it makes them stronger, too. You want to pay close attention to what you feel when you stretch.
Slow and thoughtful wins the race…er, the stretch.